Read all about the Larriers at the North Wall Spring Clean.
See our Science video log.
Read what the Cookery club 'cookie monsters!! have to say.
Check out a photo story of the North Wall St. Patrick's Day Parade ... and ... as a special treat ... check out 2nd class Seán Griffin's brilliant tale:
AROUND THE CLASSES: The Larriers have been busy blogging and their class pages are worth checking out.
2nd class are all 007 with cool Skyfall and James Bond Junior videos.
3rd class have a cool Gaeilge video, a story by Cian G and a cookery club pancake story.
4th class are 'Happy as an Elephant' this spring and their Irish videos are well worth checking out.
5th class have a fantastic story by Patrick about their recent trip to France, a Spanish club video and a report by David on the visit by Ms Sunderland's Dad to tell them all about the school when he was here 50 years ago!!
6th class have been really really busy this spring. The 6th class blog has a selection of science videos and reports, a long poem about the class novel 'Across the Divide' and a post on their class projects on what influences their choices of second level school.
November 2012
Frása na Seachtaine (phrase of the week in Irish), November 5th - 11th
LARRIERS BLOG OF THE WEEK, November 12th - 17th
The blog of the week is by Adam in 3rd class. Adam told us, "it's a story I made up to practice using speech marks, I hope you like it". We said, "well done Adam, we really do like it". Click here to read Adam's story.
October 2012
Frása na Seachtaine (Phrase of the week - Irish)
Gach seachtain tá rang a ceathair chun frása Gaeilge a chuir ar leathanach gréasáin na ranga sin. Déanfaimid uilig sa scoil iarracht an frása a usaid le linn na seachtaine sin. Beidh duais le fáil don Larrier a dheanann an iarracht is mó frásaí a fhoghlaim agus a usaid timpeall na scoile. Is feidir le muintir sa bháile cabhrú leis an iarracht seo trí na frasaí a usáid is a chleachtadh leis na buachaillí. Mar sin beidh deis ag gach éinne frásaí Gaeilge a fhoghlaim! Is ea frása na seachtaine seo ná: Maidin mhaith. In a dteanta sin bain triail as na frásaí 'oiche mhaith' agus 'coladh sámh'. Ag teacht go luath an frása: Ah, fág amach é! Is craic maith an Gaeilge, bain taithneamh as!
Aistrúcháin/Translation: Every week fourth class will put an Irish phrase on their class blog page. In school we will all make an effort to use the phrase during the week. There will be a prize for the Larrier who makes the best effort to learn the weekly phrases and use them around the school. At home the family can help with the effort by using and practicing the phrases with the boys. So everyone has a chance to learn a little more Irish! This week's phrase is Maidin mhaith (Good morning) pronounced "Mah-jin wah". In addition to this phrase try the phrases Oiche mhaith (Good night) pronounced "Ee-hah wah" and Coladh sámh (Sleep peacefully/sweet dreams etc ...) pronounced "Cul-ah saw-vh". Coming soon the phase Ah, fág amach é! (Ah, leave it out!) pronounced "ah, fog a-mock A". Irish is good craic, enjoy it!

The Larriers Library would very much like to thank longtime legendary Larrier Cian for his kind donation of the one Captain Underpants book not currently in the Larriers Library. From the photo Captain Underpants connoisseurs will no doubt recognise that it is CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND THE TERRIFYING RETURN OF TIPPY TINKLETROUSERS. A world class expert on Captain Underpants, Cian, realising that the Larriers Library did not have this book, decided to donate his own copy. A Larriers Library source informs us that there is already a long waiting for this book, so we just want to say THANKS CIAN!!
The World Premiere of the much anticipated film 'Zombies on the Yard' will take place at assembly on Friday October 19th, 2012. The film is written, directed and produced by 6th class with Andy and Barry . It has been a closely guarded secret until NOW! For a sneak preview of the film click here and for the film click here.
The results are in for the Annual Larriers Sunflower Competition. Check out the winners here.
Check out our latest Boxing blog.
Best of luck to 5th class teacher Mr Brennan who lines out for Curry against St Mary's next Sunday, October 7th, in the Co. Sligo GAA Senior Club Football Final at Markievicz Park - Beir Bua Aodán!
Congratulations and thanks to the parents and friends of our sister school, St Laurence O'Toole's Girls' School, who held a very successful fundraiser in the Sheriff Club last Friday night (28 September) in aid of the school after their recent fire.
September 2012
Parents, volunteers, staff and 2nd class at the 'Time to Read' launch
Time to Read is a paired reading initiative of The Schools' Business Partnership. It will be undertaken for twenty four weeks by Citi volunteers with the littler Larriers of 2nd class. On Thursday 20th September we launched the initiative in our school hall with the parents, volunteers, staff, 2nd class, cups of tea, biscuits and a load of sweets for everybody in the audience. All the boys were called out and paired with the reading buddies and then had loads of sweets and fizzy drinks and crisps at half past eleven on a school morning - deadly!!
Our first Time to Read session is on Thursday 27th September and we are all looking forward to it. Special thanks to Germaine from The Schools' Business Partnership, Tara from Citi, teachers Maeve and Úna and school secretary Tracy who worked so hard to make the launch and the initiative a great success.
Check out 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th classes, who have already posted new entries to their class blogs. Well done lads, especially Sheldon in 5th class, who is the first Larrier to upload a story to the blog this year. Sheldon tells us all about his summer holidays.
Úna has posted all the entries and winners for the Grandparents' Day competition and the Larriers Meet and Greet Timetable 2012 on the Home School Diary blog. Second class will take part in a reading initiative organised by the Schools' Business Partnership with volunteers from Citi. The programme will be launched in our school hall on Thursday, 20th September at 11am. We hope to see all 2nd class parents there on the day.
Activities and Clubs: Swimming, 'the Astro on Friday', boxing, Gaelic football, guitar and Art with Niall and Andy have all started back so far this year. Lunchtime story reading and board games, gardening, embroidery, book clubs and homework clubs will start shortly. One or two afterschool activities have still to be confirmed.

Thursday, September 16th 2010: Larriers vs. St. Paul's.
Location: Fairview Park Time: 2:30pm
Thursday, September 23rd 2010: Larriers vs. St. Gabriel's.
Thursday, September 23rd 2010: Larriers vs. St. Gabriel's.
Location: Fairview Park Time: 3:15pm
Thursday, September 30th 2010: Larriers vs. Francis St.
Thursday, September 30th 2010: Larriers vs. Francis St.
Location: Phoenix Park: Time: TBA
We hope to see you there, cheering on the Larriers!!
We hope to see you there, cheering on the Larriers!!

Larriers love sport, especially sport for fun. This year we are very lucky that Dublin City Council in partnership with the Irish Amateur Boxing Association is offering a six week Boxing in the Community Bronze Award Programme.
The programme is non-contact, promoting the opportunity to learn new skills, gain in confidence and improve agility. It will promote footwork, fitness and fun!!
Correction: Having won the semi-final 5-2 against Wedgewood in Fairview today the League Final will be on Thursday 3rd June in Irishtown Stadium at 11 am against Ladyswell NS.
Reminder: The Pegasus Cup Final will be played at 12 noon next Monday, 31st May in Irishtown Stadium, also against Ladyswell NS.
Larriers are Xtra-Vision All-Ireland 5-a-side Champions!!
It's not every day you win an All-Ireland. We are the first Dublin side to both win the Leinster and All-Ireland 5-a-side for more than a decade. Well done to the lads on this magnificent achievement. A special mention for Hayden Macauley who also won the Player of the Tournament award. Read more about the win on the FAI Schools homepage.
We're not finished yet though - we play the league semi-final on Friday 28th May at 2.15pm in Fairview Park against Queen of Angels, Wedgewood National School and the Pegasus Cup Final in Irishtown Stadium on Monday 31st May at 12 noon against Ladyswell National School. If we win the league semi-final we will play Ladyswell again, for the league title, in Irishtown Stadium on Friday 4th June. 4th and 5th class will take part in the annual FAI North Inner City futsol league on June 3rd in the North Wall Community Hall. Go on the Larriers!
Meanwhile Anthony and John in Rang a trí have done some excellent Science work about our solar system. Check it out here
Football crazy ... (an update)
In what is turning out to be the most incredible season of sporting success - not to mention Discover Primary Science, the 2nd Green Flag and Website Awards - the Larriers legends march on.
On Wednesday, 19th May, Larriers won their Xtra-Vision Leinster 5-a-side competition becoming the first Dublin team in ten years to be crowned Leinster champions. They will represent Leinster at the All-Ireland finals in Tullamore on Wednesday, 26th May, and will play the Ulster, Munster and Connacht champions for the title of Xtra-Vision Schools' All-Ireland Champions.
As if that wasn't enough Larriers won a nail biting Pegasus Cup semi-final, in extra time, against a very strong Taney N.S. team to book their place in the final. We await the other semi between Ballyroan Boys' N.S. and Ladyswell N.S. to see who we'll meet. We're also waiting to see who comes out of the South side section of our league to see who we play in the league semi-final.
To date Shane 'Shayo' Rooney is on 32 goals for all competitions and would be on more, says manager Dave 'murhinio' Bailey, if the manager didn't keep subbing him to give other lads a run!! Take it outa tha' Drogba!
Match reports by Evan
Our man (utd fan!) in midfieldand and ace reporter, Evan Pierce, has decided that we should be reporting on the matches we've played. You can read Evan's match reports and the thoughts on football of James and Jonathan on the Larriers Activites page.
Around the classes ...
Check out the 2nd class Fantastic Friends video here, the 3rd class news here, 4th class's spelling stories here, 5th class cookery here and their trip to Trinity College here and the 6th class Pigeon Impossible reports.
Discover Primary Science
Minister for Science Conor Lenihan, who launched the 2010 Discover Primary Science Initiative, will visit the school to present our Discover Primary Science Award and close the Initiative for the 2009/2010 school year on a date to be confirmed in June.
Larriers get second Green Flag
Congratulations to the Green School Committee for successfully (and finally) securing our second Green Flag for Energy Conservation. The Committee will attend the Green Flag ceremony at Croke Park on the 26th May to be awarded the flag. Well done to all and to Ms Collins for all her work with the committee.
Football Crazy ...
Well done to the school 5-a-side football team who won the Xtra-vision Dublin 'B' Section and will go on to the Leinster finals in Navan on the 19th May. The school team is flying this season under the guidance of Mr.'Murhinio' Bailey. As defending champions they have won their section of the City Division 3 league, winning all matches, scoring 19 and only conceding one. Fingers crossed for the play-offs. This team is on a charge and will play the semi-finals of the Pegasus Cup in Fairview against Taney PS this Wednesday, 12th May at 3.15pm. An impressive run of results has seen the lads win their last two cup matches 7-0 and 10-0. Following from their Gaelic football league win in Croke Park last December this could be our most successful year of football ever. Go on the Larriers Legends!
Larriers Latest News for March 2010
'In like a Lion ...', March is marching on and we're as busy as ever in Larriers. Here's a taste of what we've been doing ...
Discover Primary Science
As part of our Discover Primary Science school project we held a Science exhibition in the Hall last Friday, the 12th of March. The Girls' School, the Junior Boys' School and the parents all came in to see us demonstrating the experiments we have been doing. A big thanks to everyone for coming and supporting us. This Science expo was only the last stage in our project. For ages now we have been doing experiments in all the classes and learning cool stuff about science.
Click on 5th and 6th classes to see their science experiments. Besides all the experiments 2nd and 3rd visited the zoo as their science trip this year while 4th, 5th and 6th visited Bull Island. Dylan shares 2nd class thoughts on the zoo here. 3rd posted a photo of the gang at the zoo here and click 4th class to see a Bull Island photostory.
Finally, a big thank you is due to all the staff for their hard work in making our Discover Primary Science project such a success, most especially Ms. Sunderland who lead the project and organised everything.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Tá gach rang gníomhach ag foghlaim frasaí Gaelach, damhsa ceilí, Amhrán na bhFiann agus 'D'Éirigh mé ar Maidin'. Ar an Mháirt, 16ú, beidh ranganna a dó agus a trí pairteach i bparáíd Lá Fhéile Pádraig á eagrú ag an North Wall Womens' Centre do pháiste na naoínairí agus páistí óga na scoileanna máguaird. Leis an seachtaine a thabhairt chun chríoch beidh crinniú na scoile ar an Aoine, 19ú, le beim faoi leith ar ár dteanga 's cultúr dúchas. Tá fotoscéalta den scoth i nGaeilge ag rang a ceathair le feiceal anseo. iFestivalClasses have been working hard preparing digital content for the DISC ifestival @ the ILAC Library in May. Each class has taken one I.T. (Information Technology) approach: 2nd are making a photojournal, 3rd a history photojournal, 4th are podcasting, 5th are dong e-stories and 6th enviornmental comics using Comic Life. Click here to see 3rd class's excellent History Photojournal.
Larriers Latest News for February 2010WHAT IS LOVE?
Once again for Valentine's Day the Larriers wrote what they think love is and we hung them on our Big Heart poster in the school foyer. Have a look as you come in! My favourite has to be 'Love is when you get married and have puppies!!' I think third class need to do some work on the RSE programme.
Love is letting her take over the bathroom.Love is two people sharing one heart.Love is ignoring the credit card statement.Love is not letting your loved one down!! and a daily text!!
Love is getting married.
Love is being happy.
Love is money, when you haven’t got enough of it.
Love is like taking you to heaven.
Love is being happy.
Love is money, when you haven’t got enough of it.
Love is like taking you to heaven.
Love is not asking how much them shoes were.
Love is hard chicks.
Love is when I’m asleep.
Love is liking someone.Love is women who don’t rob the cash.
Love is when you hug your ma.
Love is when you find the happy side of yourself.
Love is romantic and a happy life.
Love is very romantic.Love is when you get a kiss on the cheek.
Love is when you kissed the girl.
Love is when you meet a girl.
Love is a big cloud of romance.Love is when two people like each other a lot.
Love is romantic and a new born baby boy or girl.
Love is splendid.
Love is when you have feelings about a girl.
Love is when you kiss and you feel a nice warm sign rushing through your body.
Love is helping my little nephew walk.Love is something very special.
Love is about a man and a woman getting together and feeling happy with each other.
Love is in the air. Do, do, do, do, do Love is in the air.
Love is when you feel something special about someone.
Love is a special feeling with somebody and you feel great with them sometimes.
Love is a feeling.Love is a beautiful feeling when you are in love.
Love is romance, lovely.
Love is when you kiss your bird and take care of her.
Love is when there is two people, one is a girl and a boy.
Love is when you get a strange feeling when you see a girl.
Love is when you like someone and have babies.Love is when you like your family.
Love is sharing, being helpful and very thankful.
Love is kissing your girlfriend.
Love is about loving and caring about each other.
Love is giving Valentine’s gifts and cards.Love is when you get married and have kids.
Love is caring for one another.
Love is when you kiss your girlfriend.
Love is staying in bed all day.
Love is when you kiss your girl and say marry me.
Love is when you like someone and have babies.
Love is when you get married and have puppies.
Love is hard chicks.
Love is when I’m asleep.
Love is liking someone.Love is women who don’t rob the cash.
Love is when you hug your ma.
Love is when you find the happy side of yourself.
Love is romantic and a happy life.
Love is very romantic.Love is when you get a kiss on the cheek.
Love is when you kissed the girl.
Love is when you meet a girl.
Love is a big cloud of romance.Love is when two people like each other a lot.
Love is romantic and a new born baby boy or girl.
Love is splendid.
Love is when you have feelings about a girl.
Love is when you kiss and you feel a nice warm sign rushing through your body.
Love is helping my little nephew walk.Love is something very special.
Love is about a man and a woman getting together and feeling happy with each other.
Love is in the air. Do, do, do, do, do Love is in the air.
Love is when you feel something special about someone.
Love is a special feeling with somebody and you feel great with them sometimes.
Love is a feeling.Love is a beautiful feeling when you are in love.
Love is romance, lovely.
Love is when you kiss your bird and take care of her.
Love is when there is two people, one is a girl and a boy.
Love is when you get a strange feeling when you see a girl.
Love is when you like someone and have babies.Love is when you like your family.
Love is sharing, being helpful and very thankful.
Love is kissing your girlfriend.
Love is about loving and caring about each other.
Love is giving Valentine’s gifts and cards.Love is when you get married and have kids.
Love is caring for one another.
Love is when you kiss your girlfriend.
Love is staying in bed all day.
Love is when you kiss your girl and say marry me.
Love is when you like someone and have babies.
Love is when you get married and have puppies.
Our trip to the Mansion House
On Tuesday the 2nd of February our school GAA team was invited to the Mansion House by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Emer Costello. The bus journey didn’t take long and we had a laugh too. We saw a Lamborghini and an Audi R8 along the way. When we
arrived we thought the house was a real mansion! We were brought inside to the main room where the speeches were said and the presentations were made. It took ages with the speeches but they were good. The girl’s school were up first to receive their medals and Leah lifted the cup up for the girls. Ms. Harte got up and called the team out one by one and gave us our medals.Darrell and Shane lifted the cup up for Larriers and we all cheered. Then the Lord Mayor presented us with this framed certificated in honour of our famous win and to mark our trip to the Mansion House. Afterwards we were getting our photographs taken with the Lord Mayor. We rushed over to get some tayto and drinks after the photos. We were able to talk with each other for a few minutes and then we got back on the bus and headed home. We really enjoyed the day and felt very proud of our school team.
By Brandon Arkins and Dylan Grimes, 5th class.
Larriers Latest News for January 2010
This Friday, 29th January, 2010, is Rainbow Day in our school to raise money for Haiti. We will wear our own clothes to school and there is a small prize for the most colourful outfit in each class. Everyone will bring in at least one euro but you can bring more if you want. The Girls' and Junior Boys' schools are also having a Rainbow day and the Afterschool Project are giving money too. .Our students' council and the parents' council are donating €100 each from their fundraising at Christmas. . A big THANK YOU to all the pupils in our three North Wall primary schools and their parents for making Rainbow Day such a success. In total €1,125 was raised. Thanks also to the Parents' Council, the Students' Council and the Board of Management here in our school who all contributed money. We gave the cheque to the Lord Mayor, Emer Costello,for the Lord Mayor's Haiti Relief Fund yesterday when were in the Mansion House for a reception for the CUp winning Boys' and Girls' Teams.
On Tuesday the 2nd of February our school GAA team was invited to the Mansion House by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Emer Costello. The bus journey didn’t take long and we had a laugh too. We saw a Lamborghini and an Audi R8 along the way. When we
By Brandon Arkins and Dylan Grimes, 5th class.
Larriers Latest News for January 2010
This Friday, 29th January, 2010, is Rainbow Day in our school to raise money for Haiti. We will wear our own clothes to school and there is a small prize for the most colourful outfit in each class. Everyone will bring in at least one euro but you can bring more if you want. The Girls' and Junior Boys' schools are also having a Rainbow day and the Afterschool Project are giving money too. .Our students' council and the parents' council are donating €100 each from their fundraising at Christmas. . A big THANK YOU to all the pupils in our three North Wall primary schools and their parents for making Rainbow Day such a success. In total €1,125 was raised. Thanks also to the Parents' Council, the Students' Council and the Board of Management here in our school who all contributed money. We gave the cheque to the Lord Mayor, Emer Costello,for the Lord Mayor's Haiti Relief Fund yesterday when were in the Mansion House for a reception for the CUp winning Boys' and Girls' Teams.
Our classes are busy blogging.
Check out the 6th class discovering science here.
Éist leis an dán Sneachta ag Rang 4 anseo .... and hear Luke explain about his Totem Animal here.
3rd class are learning about similes and you can read Tyrek's simile poem here or take a look at Ade's story about Moses and the Burning Bush here.
Check out the 6th class discovering science here.
Éist leis an dán Sneachta ag Rang 4 anseo .... and hear Luke explain about his Totem Animal here.
3rd class are learning about similes and you can read Tyrek's simile poem here or take a look at Ade's story about Moses and the Burning Bush here.
Larriers Latest News for December 2009
We entered this school website in the 'Online Content' s
ection of the first ever Eircom Junior Spider Awards for primary and Second level pupils because we think our stories and videos are pretty good. We won the award. See photos of the awards here and a video about the awards here. Collecting the award on behalf of the school were school computer club members Luke, Conor and Alex, pictured here with Andy who runs the club, Sophie from sponsors HB and awards host Aidan Power at the awards on December 18th.
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS See highlights of the game here ...
... and 6th class have written reflections and poems about our Croke Park adventure. Click here to read them.
LARRIERS MAKE THE FINAL IN CROKER Next Saturday, 12th December we will play our Cumann na mBunscoil Gaelic football final in Croke Park. Well done to the team and trainers Ms. Harte and Mr. Brennan. A special word of thanks to Paul (Pillar) Caffery for all the support and help this year (and in all the past years). Well done also to the Larrier Girls who play their final in Croker on the same day at the same time. Admission is Adult - €5, Child - €2. All children must be accompanied by an adult. It is a always a great honour to play in Croke Park and we trust that we will give a good account of ourselves, players and supporters.
NOTE: There is a change of venue for the semi-final against St. James's St. CBS. The new venue is Dolphin Park in Dolphin's Barn. Weather permitting the match will throw in at 2.45pm. If you are intending on going to support please ring the school on Thursday to check that the match is on. Dora the Explorer fans can click here for a map. Go on the Larriers!!
Larriers' budding film critic, Alex, tells how he was a jury member for the CineMagic Film Featival where he met the President. Read his story here.
Some November Calendar dates are now posted, more to come.
Larriers make the Semi-finals in the 'Ga' - The school Gaelic Football team will play for a place in the Croke Park final against James's St. CBS next Thursday 12th November in the Phoenix Park 15 acres. Come out and cheer on the Larriers! Our football chant is:
Larriers are we, we come from Sheriff Stree'
we're strong and proud and we sing very loud
Larriers are we!
Larriers are we!
Reminder - Staff Meeting on Friday 20th November. Pupils will go home at 12 noon.
The 'meet and greet' for each class is on the week of the 23rd - 27th November. Hope to see you all here. The date and time for each class 'meet and greet' are posted in the November Calendar.
The 'meet and greet' for each class is on the week of the 23rd - 27th November. Hope to see you all here. The date and time for each class 'meet and greet' are posted in the November Calendar.
Latest news for October 2009LARRIERS WIN A FÍS FILM AWARD
13th October: We extend our sympathies to the families of former pupil Stephen Gately and Thomas Mitchell, father of recent former pupil Thomas, both of whom we are remembering in our prayers this week. Ar dheis Dé go raibh siad. Third class have posted a tribute to Stephen.
The Larriers are busy blogging. Check out mini-beasts by 6th class, self-portraits by 5th, a video puppet show as Gaeilge by 4th and ten things 3rd want to do with their lives. See the School Links class tabs.
The Cumann na mBunscoil schools Gaelic football competitions are now well underway. The Larriers have done well over the past few years, twice making the final in Croker and three times making the semi-finals. This year we are challenging for Corn na Life (The Liffey Cup) and want to go all the way. Follow our footballing adventures on The Road to Croker
Latest news for September 2009__________________________________________
On Friday, 25th Rep. of Ireland manager Giovanni Trappatoni and assistant Marco Tardelli visited Sheriff YC FC to launch a cup in honour
of the late Kevin Murphy, Sheriff YC's Hon. Secretary for many years. We were invited as most of us play for Sheriff. So the whole school went and it was good. We all got his autograph. The sir got a great picture of Trappatoni with our school's Chairperson, Seamus. Can you spot the difference? See our photostory of the event below.
Thursday, September 10th, 2009 It's hard to find many photos of Fr. Ivan Tonge PP as he has been the man behind the camera in the North Wall since his arrival in August 2000. The thousands of photos he has taken of this community provide many fond memories and will do so for years to come. Between saying masses, baptising and marrying, blessing and burying, First Communions and Confirmations, fundraising, publishing a book, planning two new school buildings, managing three schools, organising school and community trips at home and abroad, hosting evenings, events and parties, to mention but a few of his many achievements here, it's hard to know where he found the time. So it no surprise that among his favourite quips were - "we never sleep" and "we care".
Today we have a farewell mass at 1pm for Ivan. All the community will be there. All the kids in our schools will be there and many more who have left our schools will come and represent their secondary schools. It will be brilliant, but it will be sad for us and for Fr. Ivan. It's never easy to say goodbye, especially to someone who cared so much for us and who we cared for, for so long. Our community and our schools are better places than they might be, in many ways, because of Fr. Tonge.
THANK YOU and FAREWELL FR. IVAN from all the Larriers.
THANK YOU and FAREWELL FR. IVAN from all the Larriers.
The Monthly Events Calender dates for
September are now posted.
'Swine Flu' - Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - information is available on our Home School Diary page.
Last June 4th class (now 5th) did interviews for a DISC podcasting project. Near FM covered the story. They interviewed Mark about ICT (Information & Communication Technology) in the school and then played three of the interviews. You can here the segment here. It's about twenty minutes long so to just listen to the boys' interviews scroll across about two thirds of the way.
To get us up and running we have posted the holidays for the 2009 -2010 school year. Also - following many requests from parents and pupils - we uploaded the Conker Competion 2008 and the Soccer League Final videos to the Larriers Activites page.
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who took part in the
Literacy Through the Arts Summer Camp here in the school from 24th to 28th August. A big thanks to the teachers - Ms. Henry and Ms. Lucas from the Girls' school and Ms. O'Carroll from our school. A special thanks and fond farewell - after seven years teaching with us - to Ms. Smithers who lead the camp, making it a huge success. On the last day of the camp the families came to see a display of the work and to see all the participalnts receive their certs.
The dates of events for March have been posted under the 'Monthly Events Calendar' tab.
This month last year's four main prize winners will go on the DDDA Sunderland trip.
This month last year's four main prize winners will go on the DDDA Sunderland trip.
5th class boys and girls go on the annual schools' tour to visit the tomb of St. Laurence O'Toole in Eu, the war graves at Traiport and the Effel tower.
The school will be closed on Monday and Tuesday 16th and 17th for St. Patrick's Day.
6th class are taking part in Robo Ireland's Lego Mindstorm competition.
The soccer league and Pegasus Cup start this week. Read more here ...
The school will be closed on Monday and Tuesday 16th and 17th for St. Patrick's Day.
6th class are taking part in Robo Ireland's Lego Mindstorm competition.
The soccer league and Pegasus Cup start this week. Read more here ...
Good luck and 'Go on the Larriers!'
February Mid-Term Update
Soccer Shocker - Littler Larriers Legends almost win Leinster U10 FAI 5-a-side!! Read Tyler's report here ... (The FAI report on the North City area final is here and on the Leinster final here.)We're still not recovered since St. Valentine's Day we need to know - "Could this be Love?".
Three cars compared - the Lancia Delta, Nissan Almera and Suzuki Alto. Read all about them in ... Aaron's Auto Review
If you like to 'move it, move it' watch the history video about 'Theseus and the Minotaur' here, but watch to the end!!
Soccer Shocker - Littler Larriers Legends almost win Leinster U10 FAI 5-a-side!! Read Tyler's report here ... (The FAI report on the North City area final is here and on the Leinster final here.)We're still not recovered since St. Valentine's Day we need to know - "Could this be Love?".
Three cars compared - the Lancia Delta, Nissan Almera and Suzuki Alto. Read all about them in ... Aaron's Auto Review
If you like to 'move it, move it' watch the history video about 'Theseus and the Minotaur' here, but watch to the end!!
A big THANK YOU to all the parents who came to the Parent-Teacher meetings
Well done to all the boys for a great half-term since Christmas!!
Love is... soft!Love is... great!Love is... never simple!Love is... like a soft fluffy cloud!Love is... when you share things you want to keep!Love is... a prayer!
Click here to see the 5th class 'Love is ...' list
Meanwhile Ms. Larkin brought in a big load of rushes from home and we all got to make St. Bridget's crosses to honour St. Bridget's Day on the 1st of February. Click here for more
20/01/09: This year is flying in!!
Hi all,
Just to let you know that we've started posting the calendar dates of school events, holidays etc. This month by month list is designed to let everyone know what's going on.
Each month is uploaded as a post and as things come up or dates are decided these posts will be edited to reflect the most up to date information we have.We're all busy blogging away. Thanks Joanne for the lovely supportive comments on the 4th class diary.
2nd class have just made another video. This one is the story of Setanta and Paul says many of these boys are budding Setantas at the hurling. Jonathan in 3rd class has posted an item about our roof garden .
5th are busy with their resoultions revolution! 6th are explaining democracy in this, the age of Obama!
________________________________________________________Happy New Year and Welcome Back for 2009
Hi all,
Just to let you know that we've started posting the calendar dates of school events, holidays etc. This month by month list is designed to let everyone know what's going on.
Each month is uploaded as a post and as things come up or dates are decided these posts will be edited to reflect the most up to date information we have.We're all busy blogging away. Thanks Joanne for the lovely supportive comments on the 4th class diary.
2nd class have just made another video. This one is the story of Setanta and Paul says many of these boys are budding Setantas at the hurling. Jonathan in 3rd class has posted an item about our roof garden .
5th are busy with their resoultions revolution! 6th are explaining democracy in this, the age of Obama!
________________________________________________________Happy New Year and Welcome Back for 2009
Fáilte mór roimh uilig ar ais don Athbhliain. A huge welcome back to all who sail in the Larriers. Already some of the classes are posting. 4th class have posted some Christmas reflections and New Year Resolutions while 3rd and 6th classes are getting in some poetry practice!
The Calendar for the term will be posted up shortly. Here are a couple of upcoming events to note:
Staff meeting this Friday, 16th January. Boys will be finished school at 12 noon.
Staff meeting this Friday, 16th January. Boys will be finished school at 12 noon.
- The Dublin Final for the 3rd/4th class Indoor Soccer competition will be held in Finglas this week or next. Leroy the legend can now stop wreckin' everybody's heads every day with "when's the final, when's the final, will ye tell me - when's the final?". Leroy, the date will be up here when we get it and we'll tell you first. Go on the littler Larriers!!
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise ó na Larriers!
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise ó na Larriers!
Larriers Latest 15/12/08
"If you believe they put a man on the moon" 2nd class have the video evidence. Click here to launch.
Larriers' 6th class girls and boys raise almost €8,000 for the school at Temple St. Children's Hospital. Full story. "If you believe they put a man on the moon" 2nd class have the video evidence. Click here to launch.
Find out how LOUD 4th class poetry is!! It's even LOUDER than ...
Third class are on a Christmas countdown. Check out the Crib Are 5th class doing anything nice for Christmas? Let's find out.
Ԝow that wass odd. I just wrote an еxtremely long comment
ReplyDeletebut after I clicked submit my comment didn't appear.
Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that οѵer again. Anyways, just wanted to say great blog!
Not sure what happened. Comments are moderated, but your above comment was the only one awaiting moderation. Thanks for the compliment!