Holidays 2012 -2013
FIRST TERM: Opening Monday, 3rd September, 2012Midterm Break: Closing Friday 26th October. Re-opening Monday 5th November.
Christmas Holidays: Closing Friday 21st December.
SECOND TERM: Opening Monday, 7th January , 2013
Midterm Break: Closed Thursday 14th and Friday 15th February.
St. Patrick’s Day: Closed on Monday 18th March.
Easter Break: Closing Friday 22nd March.
THIRD TERM: Re-opening Monday 8th April
Closed on the following dates
May: Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May
June: Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Closing on Friday 28th June.
Staff Meetings 2012 -2013
The school will close at 1pm to facilitate a termly staff meeting on three Wednesdays this school year: October 3rd, 2012; January 9th and April 10th, 2013 (see note below).
All other monthly staff meetings will be held after school, from 2.30pm to 3.30pm, on the following Tuesdays: Novemeber 6th and December 4th, 2012; February 5th, March 5th, May 14th and June 11th, 2013.
There will be no afterschool activities on staff meeting days.
Note: The termly staff meetings are known as 'half in/half out meetings', meaning that half of the meeting time is in-school time (before 2.30pm) and half is outside school (after 2.30pm). The Department of Education and Skills Circular letter 14/2004 and the terms of the Croke Park Agreement (see page 4, Question 7 in linked document) provide for three such staff meetings each year (one each term). On the three days of these meetings pupils are dismissed at 1pm, staff have their lunch break from 1pm - 1.30pm and the meeting is held from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
Holidays 2011 - 2012 FIRST TERM:
Closed on the following dates
School Open: Monday 1st September
Midterm Break: Closed Monday 31st to Friday 4th November. Opening Monday 7th November at 8:50am
Christmas Holidays: Thursday is final day of term.Closed from Friday 23rd December to Friday 6th January
SECOND TERM: Opening Monday January 9th at 8: 50am
Closed on the following dates
Midterm Break: Closed on Thursday 16th to Friday 17th February. Opening on Monday 20th February at 8:50am
St. Patrick’s Day: Closed on Friday 16th March and Monday 19th March. Open Tuesday 20th March 8.50
Easter Break: Closed from Monday 2nd April to Friday 13th April. Opening Monday 16th April at 8:50am
THIRD TERM: Opening Monday 16th April at 8.50am
Closed on the following dates
May: Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th May
June: Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th June
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Closing on Friday 29th June.
2010 - 2011
Closed on the following dates
School Open: Monday 30th August
Midterm Break: Closed Monday 25th to Friday 29th October. Opening Tuesday 2nd November at 8:50am
School Planning Day: Monday 1st November Opening. Opening on Tuesday 2nd November at 8:50am
Christmas Holidays: Closed from Thursday 24th December to Friday 7th January
SECOND TERM: Opening Monday January 10th at 8: 50am
Closed on the following dates
Midterm Break: Closed on Monday 21st to Friday 25th February. Opening on Monday 28th February at 8:50am
St. Patrick’s Day: Closed on Thursday 17th March and Friday 18th March
Easter Break: Closed from Monday 2nd April to Friday 13th April. Opening Monday 16th April at 8:50am
THIRD TERM: Opening Monday 16th April at 8.50am
Closed on the following dates
May: Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Closing on Friday 30th June.
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Closing on Friday 29th June.
2010 - 2011
Closed on the following dates
School Open: Monday 30th August
Midterm Break: Closed Monday 25th to Friday 29th October. Opening Tuesday 2nd November at 8:50am
School Planning Day: Monday 1st November Opening. Opening on Tuesday 2nd November at 8:50am
Christmas Holidays: Closed from Thursday 24th December to Friday 7th January
SECOND TERM: Opening Monday January 10th at 8: 50am
Closed on the following dates
Midterm Break: Closed on Monday 21st to Friday 25th February. Opening on Monday 28th February at 8:50am
St. Patrick’s Day: Closed on Thursday 17th March and Friday 18th March
Easter Break: Closed from Monday 2nd April to Friday 13th April. Opening Monday 16th April at 8:50am
THIRD TERM: Opening Monday 16th April at 8.50am
Closed on the following dates
May: Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Closing on Friday 30th June.